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Fake news media spread the rumor, which Nancy Pelosi also picked up on and claimed, that President Trump suggested injecting people with Lysol to kill the coronavirus, irresponsibly twisting what Trump actually said out of context to suit their anti-Trump narrative.

In November 2017, Claire Wardle (mentioned above) announced she has rejected the phrase "fake news" and "censors it in conversation", finding it "woefully inadequate" to describe the issues.

Just when things looked desperate for Democrats with unhinged mobs responding to the party's leadership, CNN reported it had received a mail bomb addressed to John Brennan, who actually works for NBC.

Following the 2016 election in which Trump won, liberals, the mainstream media, and social media had misapplied the term "fake news" to make the false accusation that alternative news and Russian sources are "deliberately lying" to their readers, listeners, and viewers, and that these "lies" helped elect Donald Trump President of the United States. The liberal-pushed "fake news" accusations are a form of conspiracy theory.

In first half of 2017, CNN's market share relative to its competitors saw a marked decline.[117] In addition, it faced repeated losses of its credibility through its lapses of journalistic judgment and ethical lapses.

The term ‘false information’ is preferable as it can refer to a diverse range of disinformation covering topics such as health, environmental and economics across all platforms and genres, while ‘fake news’ is more narrowly understood as political news stories.

Clickbait, a sensational headline with a body of reporting based on half-truths designed to lure a reader into a commercial website, is another form of fake news.

In the Kavanaugh smear, false sexual abuse allegations were leaked by Senate Democrat committee staffers to O Giro de Notícias produce sensationalized headlines and martial public pressure in an emotional cause.

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These are stories that are deliberately fabricated to gain more website visitors and increase advertising revenue for websites. Clickbait stories use sensationalist headlines to grab attention and drive click-throughs to the publisher website, normally at the expense of truth or accuracy.

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“ My message is not about going back to where we were,” he said. For a lot of people, “‘normal’ has been a real problem for a very long time, and I think the failures Queiroz of the Obama era help explain how we got Trump.[54] ”

The intent and purpose of fake news is important. In some cases, what appears to be fake news may be news satire, which uses exaggeration and introduces non-factual elements that are intended to amuse or make a point, rather than to deceive.

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